As per tech research firm Counterpoint, Xiaomi has bypassed Samsung Electronics as the top smartphone player in the Indian market. Xiaomi dominated with a market share of 28% in India against the 24% market share of Samsung for the calendar year 2018. Xiaomi’s devices of up to $250 segment have often become instant sellers on e-commerce websites. But the company’s costlier high-end smartphones face tougher competition from South-Korean rival Samsung and other Chinese companies including Oppo and Vivo. Technology analysts have also suggested that the company is perceived as a budget brand by consumers. The Beijing-headquartered company had earlier tried to change this image by launching phones with high-end processors and cameras which were priced at over Rs. 20,000. Muralikrishnan B, Chief Operating Officer, Xiaomi India had also said in his statement to Reuters that the company is inching up in the entire average selling price curve. He further added, “There is acceptance coming in at the higher end of the price band and in our definition higher end is now 30,000 (INR).” Xiaomi also revealed two new smartphones and a new version of their operating system, based on Google’s Android mobile platform on Wednesday. Moreover, it has also launched its range of smart TVs and smart home products such as smart water purifiers and fitness bands earlier in September. The expansion of its product portfolio in India has also helped it to boost its smartphone sales and support its brand image. Muralikrishnan also noted, “There are various ways in which you make inroads into the consumers’ psyche, into their home and help one category grow from the other.” Xiaomi India loyalists can also expect the launch of a consumer lending business in the coming months. Furthermore, it is also planning to further expand its retail network in the world’s second-largest smartphone market. The company will also expand its current chain of 6,000 stores to 10,000 by the first half of the coming year.

Xiaomi India Set to Expand Product Lineup - 9Xiaomi India Set to Expand Product Lineup - 86Xiaomi India Set to Expand Product Lineup - 32Xiaomi India Set to Expand Product Lineup - 74Xiaomi India Set to Expand Product Lineup - 13